I've been wanting to write a blog for a week or so now but I just can't think of anything to write about
There might have been many blogs about idiot drivers, idiot pedestrians, idiots in general, but I figured no one would want to read them
So let's start with a chat about suicide....
This morning the M271 was closed whilst the police 'talked down' a man threatening to jump of a bridge. Now I appreciate that my job has probably hardened me to these things and I apologise if I cause any offence, but two thoughts immediately came to my mind. 1) if you're gonna jump off a bridge, to kill yourself, you're not telling anyone about it before hand....if the police are there before you've jumped then you were never really gonna jump. And 2) if you're gonna jump off a bridge, make it one from which the fall would actually kill you....broken ankles/legs would just an inconvenience to you and whoever has to look after you
Now please don't misunderstand me, I have genuine sympathy for anyone in that position, someone that is so desperate for help/attention, that this seems the only option. But jumping/threatening to jump from a motorway bridge has two outcomes. Causing massive traffic tailbacks, thus inconveniencing hundreds of people that don't even know you or worse causing extreme mental anguish for the person/people that are unlucky enough to have collided with you
A few months back an elderly gentlemen walked out in front of motorway traffic on the M3, his family had discovered indecent images of children on his computer and he was being charged, he felt so ashamed that he decided to kill himself. Now I have no problem with this, but to do it by walking out in front of a perfectly innocent 18 year old girl is just plain wrong. Go to Southampton and jump into the sea or into a river, do it somewhere where no one else is effected, somewhere you may never even be found
So my first blog in weeks has so far been about people committing suicide and my advice on how (not) to do it......I bet you've all really missed by blogs
So let's move on to something more cheerful, or is it. They say that there is someone for everyone in this world, now that may be true, it may be complete horse shit, but how will we ever know. What if you're 'someone' lives 10,000 miles away and you just never meet, what if that person has already met the wrong person and just stays in the hamster wheel that we call life, afraid to make the break, afraid of the what if's
I've got into an exchange on Facebook, I won't call it a conversation as I'm not sure it would be accurate, but communication all the same with a girl it is safe to say I was in love with from about age 5-12 or 13.
Now don't get me wrong, and if you're reading this (probably not) then please don't misunderstand, I'm not mourning the loss of the relationship that never was. But it's interesting to think how simple life is when you're that age....and yet it seems so difficult
We grow up scared of making fools of ourselves, not knowing that it's the perfect time to do it. Who remembers who they asked out as a kid, or more importantly who remembers who they turned down, (technically I don't think I turned anyone down) people grow up and move on, they carry on without a second thought....this isn't necessarily as easy when you're the wrong side of, ahem, 25
Now back to my point, how many people are like the proverbial swan, and mate for life. I know of a few couples that stick together like the end of the Sellotape and the rest of the roll (you can have that one for free) people that let nothing phase them and come through it stronger. I know of people that lose the person that makes them whole all too early and I know of people that simply don't deserve the person that they have.
Unfortunately I know too many people that stay in unhappy relationships, because it's easier. I've had conversations with my daughter where she's cried her eyes out because she desperately wants her mummy and daddy to both live with her. And don't get me wrong, it's difficult to not feel like a failure when a relationship ends but better than getting to age 60 and wondering why you've been unhappy half of your life
I guess if there's a message to come out of my disjointed ramblings tonight, it's do what makes you happy, if you're not happy then get help to make you happy. Don't make yourself unhappy just to please others and try and put yourself first however selfish it seems
Even I'm starting to wish id watched X factor and I'm not even gonna have to read this rubbish
I'll end with some pictures, god know you needs them to cheer you up after all this.
Bye bye for now