Saturday, 27 April 2013

A little bit fruity

The Big Apple....Apples 'n' pairs....The Apple of My Eye...the Apple iPhone even

All wonderful things, but apples.....don't get me started on apples

I've just been into Sainsburys, I know, I've changed, to stock up on some breakfast bananas......they're very similar to normal bananas but they must be eaten before 10....and I saw a glistening wonder over yonder

Like most people, I'm partial to a granny.....especially one with dark, rich skin. Just the anticipation of that first bite, the little bit of juice that runs down your fingers..that 'CRUNCH' as your teeth penetrate the skin......pleasure you can't measure

I strode towards the checkout, 5 bananas and 1 apple in hand. Wallet at the ready. I chose to 'self serve' as I didn't want to delay my apple'y consumption

I scanned the bananas, 69p for 5, I can cope with that, they come with their own packaging for gods need for plastic, or a bag for life even, but then.....


then came the apple. Now if a banana is less than 14p, complete with transportation protection, an apple must be 10 or maybe even 5 pence....i mean they even bruise when dropped

But oh no...Ohhhhhhhhh no, 1 apple, ONE APPLE!, 32 pence

32 PENCE......!!!!!!!

And yes the skin was dark and rich, the crunch was crunchy, the dribbles of juice, yeah they were present. But was it really more satisfying that 2.3 bananas, was it??


Bye bye for now

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