Tuesday, 22 April 2014

The end of an era

So today marks the end of my time with the Highways Agency, quite some time later than expected

I originally joined back in 2006, the job promised an exciting opportunity, a chance to be a part of something new and challenging...along with a 50% pay rise 

After 14 months it became clear that whilst it may have been new, it wasn't exactly what you would call exciting, so I left....

Now the rumour is when I left to train as an Air Traffic Controller that I announced I would be driving a Porsche the following year and that all my colleagues were losers....that's just not true. Yes I was excited, like any other 24 year old would be at the possibility of a job that was going to pay £80k+ but I did not leave in the way that was told 

As some of you will know, well, you'll all have figured out, the air traffic thing didn't work out.  Now I could give a list of excuses as to why, and I have several, but the reality is I just wasn't up to it.  It's always difficult to admit when we're not good at something especially when you've talked up how big the opportunity is and built your hopes up but that's the truth

Do I think other people were successful for the wrong reasons, yes. Do I think that them failing would have increased my chances of success, no. 

So in July 2008 I found myself unemployed. Now I'm sure we've all been there at some point, even if whilst still at school, but I was unemployed with a £1000 a month mortgage and after 14 months of earning only £800 a month 

So I did what I'm pretty sure anyone in my position would do. I made a tentative phone call to my old boss and asked if there were any jobs going.  Much to my surprise, and good fortune, there was a vacancy, and two weeks later I was back in highly visible clothing patrolling the roads, and car parks....and drive thru's.

I said to myself that this job would be fine for 6 months until I found something else, something I wanted to do. That was just short of 6 years ago....so what happened

Well, a baby for starters, a baby that is now nearly 5 years old.  A marriage break up. Two house moves. Anything to keep busy....

But seriously, Amelia Rose was born, and my focus switched from work to being a daddy. The job gave me such freedom to spend time with her and it's been great.  I've been the only dad at tots and tunes. I've been the only dad at soft play. And more recently I've been one of few dads at the school doors at 3pm.  The job has allowed me to be a better father through what have been a very tough few years 

I didn't blog very much in the latter part of last year and not at all this year. I believe that personal things should remain personal, no one is greatly interested in other people's problems, unless only to make themselves feel better about their own lives

I don't need people's sympathy, people have had much tougher times, and are having much tougher times than I've ever had, and you don't hear them moaning

The moaning is usually done by the people who haven't had enough sleep, or they've not got enough money, or too much chocolate, or they've gained too much weight, or it's raining or blah blah blah

There's a phrase along the lines of if you surround yourself with negativity then you cannot help but become negative, so surround yourself with positive people.....and this is what I shall aim to do

So next week I shall begin the next part of the journey called life. More and more I am sat at home on weekdays when Amelia is at school, yet working during the times that she's off so my job just doesn't suit any more

I've told people i shall be moving to America to train dolphins, or going to work for NASA to help them design a flatulence resistant space suit....I'm the test dummy.  But the reality is, the people that need to know, know exactly what I'm going to do, and the people that don't know or don't care, just don't matter to me

And that goes for everything you read on Facebook. If you want facts about my life, speak to me, and if I want you to know them then I'll tell you. If you want idle gossip and half truths then there are other people that you can speak to.....because I won't be 

I had a text this morning from a work colleague wishing me well in my new job, and mentioning that he hasn't seen a leaving card so wanted to text to say good luck. He's one of the good guys.  It's a real shame that unfortunately what could be a decent job is being dragged down by very negative and bitter people

I don't want to end this on a negative note, because I'm done with negativity. I wish the best of luck to my colleagues that remain, and whilst this sounds unlikely, I will never regret going back to the job, it has given me opportunities that I would never have otherwise had, and given me memories I can cherish forever 

I've been told quite adamantly that they won't take me back a second time, and that's probably no bad thing, because you can't move forwards whilst always looking backwards 

I don't know what the future will bring, I enter my next challenge with a little anxiety and caution, but with a desire to do well and keep moving up.  So I wish myself the best of luck, I'll send myself a card and a present and buy myself a drink to celebrate the start of a new chapter 

Now where did I put those thermal long johns ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your planning on being Prime Minister aren't you? Good luck with that!