Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Fags, Drugs, and a bunch of Wonka's

As I write this, I have been away for 38 hours....except for 2 half hour naps, so I apologise if the spelling is worse than normal or the content is of a lower standard

I wrote yesterday's blog at around 10pm New York Time, which was 2am here, so I guess in a way this is my second blog of the day, it'll certainly be the second one I post

We boarded our flight last night around 11:30, and I thought I'd go straight into a movie and with that sleep, but this was not to be.

We had chosen the seats near the exit, it gave us more leg room. Unfortunately what it also meant was our screens were foldaway and therefore couldn't be up during take off. After taking off I thought movie time could start, but then they brought out food, which to be honest I wish I'd slept through

So, take off done, food done, ready for a film and a sleep. As I was just dozing off, I was woken by the flight steward issuing a warning to the bloke behind us as he had decided that the toilet was a great place to light to a cigarette.....the word 'dickhead' sprang to mind at this point. Every time I started to doze off after this, a certain female to my right kept nudging me with her elbow...so that was my sleep done for the night

The best time to be British has to be when arriving at a UK airport, no queuing, no uncomfortable frisking, just straight through without problem. I assume this is why Brits are chosen to be drug mules.....I certainly saw a fair few men that would be happy to have something put where the drugs would go...in their case, why? What were you thinking?

Having been up a day and a half I thought I'd best have a bath earlier, and that is where my second sleep came.....I know what you're thinking, but don't worry I couldn't have drowned...I fell asleep before I'd put the water in. That's not true of course, I think it was whilst running it. I may not be an athlete, but boy can I run a bath

Amelia was very excited to see us tonight, well I say us, more mummy than daddy, though I did manage to bribe her for some love with a selection of presents....remember people, money can buy you love...as the Beatles once said....oh, they didn't say that, well it was 60% correct

As I type this tonight, I am slowly, though not too slowly, downing a box of 'Nerds'. They may have been £3 a box, 10 times the price when I was a young lad, but they're at least half as nice

I'm not sure what pictures I have to add today, so you'll just get what you get

Bye bye for now

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