Monday 11th March
Our last day in New York and I perhaps didn't plan it very well. We had to check out of hotel by 12, and our flight isn't until 23:55, so I'm sat here, with no wifi, writing my blog
We did try to change to an earlier flight, there was plenty of space on the 21:55 flight, and they were happy to change us.....for $170 EACH!! When I booked the late flight, I figured we'd maximise our time here, avoid rush hour in London tomorrow....I just didn't consider how long the 12 hours would be....or how much I'd spend shopping trying to waste time
So, as I said, we checked out of the hotel at 12 and started on our mission for the day. I am still trying to get some Nike Romaleo weight lifting shoes, they didn't even have them in the Nike shop and couldn't order them in so recommended another shop, 40! blocks south
We walked all the way down to 17th street, to Paradox Sports and.....they didn't have any. They had some Reebok shoes which to be honest would have been ok but......they didn't have my size, they had a 7.5 and an 8.5, but seemingly I am an exact 8
I'd like to say this was our only wild goose chase of the day, but alas it was not. We walked all the way back up 7th Avenue, and found our way to the M&M shop, and then onto Broadway for the Hershey shop. Then we started our search for the Superdry shop.
We walked up Broadway, looking for 718, but we were at 1700ish. So, we walked 16 blocks down Broadway before managing to get free wifi where I decided to check google maps. Not only were we 30 blocks away from the store on Broadway, we had only been about 50feet from the other store on 7th Avenue.....the numbers don't carry across streets as Broadway is so much longer....just a 17 block walk back can guess how pleased Jac was by this point. Still, I think it cheered her up to watch me buy a new jacket
I may have mentioned previously that we brought a pre pay credit card with us, and we were anxious as to whether we would spend all the money, saving the hassle of transferring it back when we get home. When it was rejected for a $4.99 purchase the anxiety passed
We were trying to work out how we'd managed to spend so much money in 4 days, then we started adding up all the stuff I'd bought and it became a little clearer....don't worry, I still let Jac eat whilst we were here....and the occasional drink...I'm not a monster
Overall it has been a brilliant weekend, just a very tiring one. We were quite pleased to see the flight home was only 6 hours....until we realised that although the clocks have gone forward an hour in New York, they haven't in the it's still a 7 hour flight :-(
After 4 days of anything up to 10 hours walking, I'm looking forward to getting home for some sleep, some normal food (I've had enough chips and baguettes to last me a while) and most importantly to see my beautiful little girl...who I'm fully aware won't have missed me at all, a point that will be most apparent when we collect her tomorrow and she runs straight past me to she always does....still, I'll be happy to see least until she wakes me up early on Wednesday
If you're reading this in the UK, it's most likely around lunchtime as I'm not going to be able to upload it until I have 3G tomorrow, something you don't fully appreciate until you've been without it for 5 days....see earlier story of getting lost without maps
Oh, and for anyone travelling back from New York to Heathrow, with British Airways....JFK Terminal 7 is crap, perhaps we were spoilt with Terminal 5 Heathrow, but either way, it's still very poor....not what you want when you've arrived 3.5 hours early for your flight
Oh and one more 'oh', I almost forgot Jac's accidental racism, let me explain. When you walk through Times Square, you cannot help being harassed by people trying to sell you tickets to a comedy club 'do you like to laugh?' etc etc, constantly. So I said to Jac, the next time they ask me, I'm gonna say 'no, I hate laughing, I strongly dislike enjoying myself....maybe even mention an uncle being killed by a clown or something, but they didn't ask me they asked Jac.
Man: 'Do you like comedy?'
Jac: ...........
Man: is it comedy you don't like or black people?
Jac: er, both
Man: you don't like black people?!?
Jac: errm, errm, that's not what I meant
Man: hey guys, that white lady hates black guys'
Me: just keep walking
Bye bye for now
Just a few random pictures today
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