Monday, 18 March 2013

Sleeping Beauty and Snow White

Second early shift back at work today and still feeling the effects of tiredness. To be fair I'm always tired in earlies, I get a second wind around 10pm so therefore can't get to sleep until midnight, but I'm still up around 5ish

Out today with a guy that likes to drive and likes to talk, managed to squeeze in a McDonald's, but barely had the opportunity for a sleep.....what's that about :-/

We have a new vehicle at work on a weeks trial. We get a lot of negative feedback for driving 'expensive 4x4's' and people suggest we could use vans. So we are trialling fairness though it is a Mercedes, so I'm not sure if we meet the 'cheap' transport option. On the plus side though, there's gotta be room for a hammock

No big jobs this morning, just routine bits and pieces, did help out a partially deaf woman with no mobile phone though, arranged some recovery for her and got her on her way. It's a small thing, but she felt a lot more reassured and safe, especially since a friend of hers had been killed after breaking down on the motorway

Home from work, quick change, then pick up my car and off to my parent's to collect Amelia. She was in great spirits which is always good, brightens up a dreary day. It's the only time she's generally excited to see me as well, I guess because Jac isn't there

I'd already made plans for the afternoon but having asked Amelia what she wanted to do, it was pleasing that she wanted to do what I'd arranged, so it was off to a friend's house, a friend of mine and her son, Amelia's first 'boy' friend. They had great fun together, dressed as Snow White with butterfly face paint, and Spider-Man, complete with webbed face.

Amelia continued with her great appetite for the day by polishing off a big plate of pasta and vegetables, followed by 2 ice lollies.

I really enjoy my catch ups with this friend, we don't always agree on everything, but have similar thoughts on a lot of it's always a great chance to have a good whinge and moan about anything and everything

Home just after 6, left Amelia with Jac whilst I had a quick bath, then Amelia was off to bed....with some frustration....overtired I think

A steak dinner has been followed by a chilled evening, with a surprise visit from 2 friends, we didn't hear them knock the door, just became aware when they were in the hall....luckily I was fully clothed....not that I make a habit of sitting around naked

Tomorrow should be a good day. I think I know who I'm working with and I have some things planned for the afternoon. Oh, and a trip to the pub in the evening....Happy Days

To finish tonight, I shall include a screenshot of my sex tape, some 'masculine' flowers and some friendly bananas....oh and a picture of my highlighted hair

Bye bye for now

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