Tuesday, 26 March 2013

When will I, will I be famous

Today I experienced 30 seconds of fame when I was 'live' on the Capital FM Breakfast Show

It all started innocently enough, I was at work and having grown bored of Classic FM, and bypassing Grave 105, I flicked over to Capital FM for the breakfast show with Emily and some other fella. They were playing the new Pitbull song (feat Christina 'I've got a bottle full of genies' Aguilera) and at the end the female presenter was moaning that she was desperate to know which track this song sampled

Being the nice guy that I am, I text in informing her that it was in fact sampled from the musical geniuses (genii) that are Aha and their masterpiece 'Take On Me'.....take me on

Anyway, within 30 seconds my phone was ringing and upon answering I was greeted by the voice of 'radio presenter man' scolding me for revealing the details of the song. Apparently before the song started, he had specifically stated that he didn't want people to text in....how was I to know

Anyway, we ended our 'private phone call' and less than a minute later, as the conversation was played on air, and I was announced as the most annoying listener of the day.....a title that I feel I hardly deserve, especially when you consider how annoying the presenter is

That was pretty much the 'highlight' of my day. The 'lowlight'....is that even a word in this sense....being when I 'accidentally' fell asleep in the car at work and was rudely awakened by a member of the public with some inane complaint. Couldn't he see I was trying to sleep.....the cheek of some people

A relaxed afternoon was followed by squash this evening. Now to put things in perspective, the last time I played squash I was wearing a 10kg weight vest and doing 25 press ups between games. Today, walking after the games was the challenge. I've honestly never played worse....and I've had some bad games in the past. It's definitely highlighted to me the importance getting back into training....next week

Bye bye for now

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