Thursday 25 April 2013

What price do you put on your life?

I must apologise for the complete lack of blogging, I have really been horrendous of late, I will do my best to rediscover my enthusiasm

I discovered something really good about my car the other day, the MPG display is entirely accurate, unfortunately it's still too low a number

On an unrelated note, anyone want to buy an Audi tt?

I never fail to be amazed by the stupidity of some people nowadays. Now some of you may know I used to ride a motorcycle...a little top quickly some would say....and when riding this motorcycle I used to do something really stupid....

I wore a jacket, trousers, boots, gloves and a helmet. I protected my body because I only have 1 of them. Now I won't dispute that this protective clothing can be expensive, it can be very expensive, but I really like my head. Sure I'd like a little more hair....I'd actually love an Afro...but all jokes aside I like the content of my skull

I've seen the after effects of motorcycles accidents and lets just say in one of them, if he wasn't legless when he got on the bike, he was quite soon after dismounting

The question was asked of me at the time, doesn't it put you off owning a bike. My, because I'm not a bloody idiot that rides at 150mph wearing trainers and a fleece

(And yes he did have jogging trousers on as well before you conjure up an even worse image)

Anyway enough moaning


I joke of course. The week so far has been relatively busy, working since 6am Sunday/Monday/Tuesday and yesterday.

On Monday afternoon I took Amelia to the park where I bumped into an old friend, her daughter very quickly said 'mummy you can ask that man his name and then you can be friends'. She then asked Amelia her name and if she wanted to play

Now Amelia is very shy around new people so generally will only raise a smile, though by the end of our time there they were on the swing together.....don't think Amelia actually said a single word mind

Just before we left my friends daughter said 'mummy, that man is beautiful'......she may have only been 3 years old, but I'll take a compliment when it's offered

(She followed it with, he speaks beautifully as well, like a princess, hmmm, lol)

Tuesday evening I managed to squeeze in a sneaky dinner at the pub, my mate offered to pay, but when I saw the total on the till I felt it was a little I ordered cheesy chips as well

Yesterday afternoon Amelia and I made it to Peppa Pig World...the weather was scorchio and the park was almost empty....unfortunately this reduced the MILF count, but hey, you can't have it all.

We both had a great time and managed to do most of the Peppa Pig World rides without queuing and that is 'Happy Days'

Today I dropped Amelia at nursery, watched some tv whilst doing some washing, and then came to work....rock and roll

As for pictures today, I'm afraid I'm scraping the barrel a bit but will try harder next time

Bye bye for now

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