Thursday, 10 January 2013

A day of rest....and unrest

Today was my first of 3 rest days so I have done nothing

Bye bye for now

In all seriousness today was a chance to catch up on a few things around the house, meet up with my mate Alex (who has the honour of having me as his best man in a few weeks) and finish reading Arnold Schwarzenegger's autobiography which I was kindly given for Christmas

I watched TV AM this morning for the first time in a long time.....some idiot at the tv station had written Daybreak on the if they'd ever change the name to that....nice to see Lorraine Kelly still going strong on there, I just love her Irish accent ;-)

I tuned in especially today to see an an interview with Piers Morgan, a man that until today I had no real opinion of. I appreciate that many people think he's a bit of a cock, but he's never done anything to me so ill give him a chance.

He was being interviewed in response to an interview that he carried out earlier in the week with a man called Alex Jones who I gather is a psychopathic gun fanatic that blames the US government for 9/11. Look up the interview on YouTube, it really is quite funny, though also annoying

This gentleman, and I use the term gentle very loosely has started a petition to get Piers Morgan deported from America for going against the Americans 2nd amendment giving them the right to bear arms (now who wouldn't want bear arms, grizzly, grrrr). This has since been vetoed by Barry Obama (white American president - another one for YouTube - ill save you time ) as being a breach of the 1st amendment, lol

Anyway, the whole thing gave me a new respect for him since I totally agree with his argument to ban the ownership of assault rifles and bring in much tighter gun laws....something I believe we did as a country 16 years ago after Dunblane.

We had 35 gun related murders last year, America had nearly 12,000!!

Today as well as pictures I shall leave you with a video, some will like it, others maybe not, but if you do watch it, stay with it

Today's photos will cover, saving time at the hairdressers, a solution to the benefits problem and lastly why you should always be aware of shadows

Bye bye

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