Monday, 7 January 2013

Starts with toilet cleaner....ends with crack cocaine

Pretty standard Monday today, Amelia not at nursery and I'm on late shift so we get the morning together before she goes to Grandma's....which was coincidentally where she was asking to go by 8:30....perhaps she doesn't enjoy our mornings together, lol

Get the boring stuff out the way first, the Tesco shop, I look forward to the day she's big enough to push me around in the trolley...though to be fair she'd happily do it now

Later I read a Tesco feature on Facebook, a sponsored link, a doctor giving advice in healthy eating etc. Unfortunately every then post went along the lines of 'I don't do any exercise and I eat lots of bad food but can't seem to lose weight. Can you give me a way to lose weight that doesn't require me to change anything, oh and preferably for less than £12 a week as I'm on benefits'. I was quite surprised I managed to resist responding, but figured I'd just be wasting my time anyway

I could bore you with the rest of my morning, but rest assured it involved fashion shows, felt tips, ink stains and washing powder

Work this afternoon and pretty quiet for a Monday, was just tucking into my Sainsburys pizza, (£3.29 for a 12 inch pizza and for £1 extra they'll cook it for you, happy days) when a call came in to assist the Police to search for something on the m27. Obviously we finished our lunch break first.

Seemingly a little scallywag (correct spelling?) had decided that he best not be caught in possession of some certain belongings when being chased by the rozzers and decided to deposit them along the carriageway. What followed was about 30 minutes with the m27 closed/diverted whilst we searched for a large quantity of crack cocaine....unsuccessfully unfortunately...and people think this job is boring

Anyway, I doubt much will occur between now and bedtime, so I'll leave you with what David Beckham would look like as a monk, David Attenborough's take on his brothers famous movie and take a quick moment to wish amierica a happy 2013th brithday

Bye bye

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