Amelia woke at 6:21 and Jac very kindly went to get her up. I had the perfect opportunity for a lay in, so I did the only sensible thing I could do.....trackies and trainers on and into the gym for a workout...there really is no better way to start the day......not when you have a 3 year old in the house anyway
After dropping Jac off to work....I know...perfect husband....Amelia and I met up with a friend and her little girl to go swimming. Amelia had decided that Fleming Park did not offer the excitement she was looking for....'it doesn't even have a pirate ship daddy' so Romsey Rapids it was. Much fun was has careering down the flume and flowing around the rapids....and Amelia enjoyed every minute of watching me do it
Now, I make no pretence of having a 6 pack and 28 inch waist...well some times I do, but not often. But I must say I do find it most amusing at the swimming pool when you see other blokes 'strutting' around as though they're carrying two rolls of carpet. Sure they have big chests, though this is be result of sucking their belly in so much that it has to go somewhere. Before anyone accuses me of going to the pool to look at other men....that's basically what I do ;-) (joke, I'm a total pervert for the women in bikinis.....ssshhhh)
Swimming was followed by a trip to Frankie & Benny's, unfortunately 11 minutes too late for breakfast, I'm a big fan of 'the works', so it had to be lunch. Now I'm not a greedy gent, so I settled for a teeny weeny 15 inch pizza....with ice cream for dessert...with our VIP card, Amelia also had a main course and dessert for the grand total of ZERO pounds and ZERO pence...happy days!!
This afternoon was less 'rock and roll' and consisted of a trip to Tesco, where a new 'Pirate' toothbrush was purchase for Jac....she's so pleased
Time for dinner now and then a trip to the cinema to see 'The Last Stand' which I understand to be a film about the history of gentlemen's headwear furniture, should be a cracker
I haven't had a great deal of time to find amusing pictures today, so lets scrape the barrel with Tesco's new 'Health & Beauty' range, a Tesco apology and the newest water slide in China
Bye bye for now

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