Sunday, 6 January 2013

eBay and stupid people

Buy it now or best offer....not a complicated term.....or is it?

'How much do you want for it?'

Well I'd like the amount I'm asking, or make me a reasonable offer

'Yeah but how much do you want?'

This sort of game could go on for a long time. However it is slightly more amusing than offering 60% less than the buy it now price

The stage of negotiation that really makes me laugh though is the meeting in the middle. Example: BIN £50 or best offer, offer made at £30. I think, let's meet in the middle at £40. He then wants to meet in the middle of those at £35. So I may be doing a deal at somewhere around £36 and 23 pence.....this is before be no doubt says 'oh I didn't realise it was collection only'

eBay.....home of the stupid people...and me :-)

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