Up early today with Amelia, my turn, but today was nursery day so that meant a day to myself. Started with an early workout in the gym, in theory a legs workout, but made all the more fun by stiff arms from yesterday's workout.
What followed was a day of mainly washing and tidying, nothing all that exciting to be honest which has left me a little short of things to write about today. However, responses to my earlier Facebook post about what people would like to change about their houses proved interesting
Is anyone really totally happy with where they live, I mean completely, wouldn't change a thing happy. I don't think so. But that raises a bigger question, does anyone want to be.......
We all talk about 'if I won the lottery', about what we would buy or what we would do. But would it really make us happy? Think about when you save up for something, an iPad, a car, a kitchen, and the day comes when you can afford it (assuming you're not a customer of Wonga or similar), the feeling you get that you've worked for something, would you want to lose that?
Of course we'd all like to earn a bit more, for our bills to be a little lower, but would £10 million make you happy? Or would you then think 'if only I'd won £20 million, then we could have bought this house, or this car'. There are many millionaires and billionaires in the world, but how many of them just call it a day and just go shopping
Money can buy you a lot of things, but it can't buy happiness, it can't cure incurable diseases, it won't make you a nicer person or make anyone else nicer to you (not genuinely)
So next time you think 'I wish we could win the lottery tonight', just think, will it solve all your problems?
And on that note, numbers for tomorrow
5, 9, 15, 27, 34, 48
Tonight I shall leave you with a very scared lorry cargo, sensible toilet based advice, and useful research for any dad who's daughter is going away
Bye bye for now

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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