Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Blades and guns

A few news stories have made me think today, starting at 8ish this morning when Jac rushed into the bedroom saying 'put the news on, something has happened in London'. What we immediately saw was what looked like a bomb site, with fires burning and people running around. Of course we were relieved to find out that it wasn't a terrorist attack, I think the proximity to MI6 had people wondering that, but that doesn't effect the outcome

Two people lost their lives this morning, due to weather, human error or negligence we don't yet know, but those people won't be returning home tonight, and to their loved ones I doubt it makes any difference whether or not it was a terror attack. May they rest in peace

The next story which I have read online, via Facebook, is one about Barrack Obama and his moves to enforce stricter gun laws in the US. Friends of our lost their best friend's son in the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary, a despicable and tragic event. As said by his father in an interview, an attack on children of that age is about as low as you can get and if the law makers don't do anything as a result of it then what will it really take.

I don't know whether approval will be given for everything that all sensible people can see is needed, and having seen the Piers Morgan interview with Alex Jones, there are certainly enough people ready to oppose it, but it is at least something to see a President that wants to change things and try to prevent another event like this from happening again

I managed to resist the urge to watch Jeremy Kyle today as had been suggested and instead filled the day with news reports, bailiffs and traffic cops

I will leave you today with a perfect stool for kilt wearers, a naive Tesco employee's response to a twitter joke and a picture of what may just be Southampton's most exciting shopping experience

Bye bye for now

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