We were tasked with entering a very treacherous area, known as Portsmouth, Pompey for short, south coast shit hole for accuracy ;-)
The day started with a foxy young lady on the A3M, and when I say on the A3M, I mean 'on' the A3M. And unfortunately when I say foxy lady I actually mean lady fox....well I can't confirm it's sex due to lack of substantial evidence, could give you an idea what it's teeth looked like though since my colleague picked one up on his foot and brought it back in to the car....hmmm
Today was my first proper day of trying to eat a healthier diet, cutting out wheat, gluten, dairy and concentrating on good protein rich food. So today's breakfast consisted of roast beef and a selection of nuts...the beef will become a regular thing, the nuts will not...I take 750ml of drink out with me and most of this was used washing down the nuts. My colleague even tried my nuts and he also found them hard to stomach, and wasn't a fan of the after taste either
The rest of the day was pretty routine, just broken down cars etc, not even a chance to get a cone out, my skills and expertise not utilised today
Straight home from work, quick change and off to a joint birthday party for a pretty little one in a dress and his daughter. I arrived late which fortunately prevented me from gorging on the cakes and party rings, much to Amelia's delight as apparently I always steal her party rings (I think it's Jac really, but I'm too nice to say)
I was tempted to drive to the party, even though it was only in Eastleigh, not for me you understand but to ferry home other ravers, however, this would require paying for parking. Whilst this has always been a little annoying, it was compounded this week when I discovered that Eastleigh Council made £1.25 million from parking last year...and at least 50p of that was from me...wheres my plaque for my contribution to keeping Eastleigh clean etc...in protest I'm not going to pay my council tax for the next 2 months, see how they like that!
This evening shall mainly consist of slow cooked pork chops and veg, mmmm, and the World Championship Darts Final, so unless anything dramatic happens, I don't think I'll be able to add anything worthwhile to the old blog-a-roo
That being the case I shall leave you with Morrison's attempt to get into the discount prostitution business, Marks and Spencer's new business plan to get more men into the Cafe, and a reminder that just because something seems out of reach, you should never give up
Bye bye for now
P.S I'm trying out a new app for writing this, so fingers crossed it works ok
P.P.S my blog has had nearly 1000 views in the last week and is being viewed in 5 different countries which is very surprising and hopefully at least means some people are enjoying it :-)

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