My relaxed weekend started yesterday with taking Amelia to ballet.
Being the forward thinking dad that I am, I checked if she needed the toilet before leaving home, before putting her ballet costume on. So you can just imagine my delight when after getting her completely ready and just a about to go in, I heard the words 'I need a wee wee'. This of course meant stripping off completely, redressing (wrongly), stripping off again and then getting dressed....leaving us 'only' 5 minutes late
At around 2 o'clock I was collected by my mate Alex, who for the benefit of this blog shall be referred to as 'the groom'. Over to his parents to get suited and shoe-ted :-/ and then off to the venue early to get some pictures before the light faded
A beautiful ceremony was rivalled only by my even more beautiful speech. I was a little concerned that referring to being best man at the groom's 'Next' wedding and making reference to him possibly being a homosexual may not have gone down too well, but as it turned out they drew more laughs than gasps
Something else which drew as many laughs as gasps would be the moment, around 10:30pm, when whilst happily Cossack dancing my trousers split straight down the arse and half way down my leg. This resulted in me wearing a pashmina based sarong for the rest of the night. Second only to the bride, I may have been the hottest one in a skirt.
Today has been pretty relaxed really, a child free morning being followed by lunch for 2. Then collecting Amelia who spent most of the afternoon asleep, whilst this unfortunately meant we didn't make it to the pub with the bride and groom they seemingly had a very merry afternoon
Tonight will just be chilling out on the sofa, bit of popcorn and maybe a movie before my working week starts tomo....oh no, that's right, I'm not working again until Saturday :-D
As a slight variation to my funny Internet sourced photos, I shall include one from last nights activities, so i'll leave you with another cryptic film poster, a disgruntled newspaper editor, an unfortunate military mistake and what is basically my arse
Bye bye for now

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