Both Jac and I had work today, so when realising that nursery was open, Jac dropped Amelia off around 8ish and went to work. I on the other hand did the responsible adult thing....throwing snowballs at my neighbours...and even making one for a small boy to throw at his mum :-)
But after that silliness I had to be more grown up. So I phoned my mate and arranged a snowball fight....a fight I may add that his 14 year old daughter was too cool to join in with. We were also joined by another of my mates, average age of soldiers 33 and 1/2. I'd like to say no small children were harmed during the fight, but Colin made sure that wasn't the case.....though they'll never know their attacker.
At 12 o'clock nursery closed so Jac collected Amelia and came home. Amelia and I played in the snow in the garden and then I pulled her in the sledge down to the chippy for some lunch ;-)
After my responsible, mature, adult morning it was time for work at 2. And I was greeted by a themed snowman, some would say he was a productive member of staff....certainly more productive than some.
A surprisingly quiet day, unexpected in this weather. We towed one damaged car from the central reservation after a 3 car RTC, they're not called RTA's anymore....there's no such thing as an accident....controversial maybe (this was a real job)
Later was a job that is purely a made up scenario, this obviously did not happen, and I would never use this blog to question management decisions.
We observed a car and motorcycle on the hard shoulder on the opposite carriageway, so we turned to see if we could offer assistance. On arrival, the police were already there. It was a single vehicle collision :-/ the motorcyclist had come off and slid down the carriageway, very luckily she was not injured. Anyway, the car driver had stopped to offer help and had the rider sat in his car.
The police said the car driver was keen to leave, having been there for some time and asked if we would be able to put the woman in our vehicle to keep warm and calm etc (the police vehicle had no rear seats) Now I'm sure we've all heard horror stories of people sitting in someone's car after an accident, developing neck pains and the roof having to be cut off. But this woman was not injured and no pain had developed in half an hour, so it was unlikely to kick in soon.
Instinct would tell you to put her in the car, keep her warm (it was below freezing and heavy snow) and keep her calm. But no, that was not the management decision, 'under no circumstances do you put that person in your vehicle' when questioned as to whether we should leave her stood in the snow for 2 hours to await recovery, we were told 'under no circumstances...'
This was followed by a call from management to ask why I was questioning them and that I knew the rules.... I stated that I valued human welfare above that of a car and was reminded that I knew the rules. The job was left with the police.....
It's time like this that my job really grinds my least it would if it wasn't a made up scenario
So with that, i'm hypothetically not feeling very jolly tonight so i'll leave you with the the afore mentioned snowman, 'if dogs had twitter' and a revelation about Lance Armstrong you may not be aware the hope that cheering you up, may cheer me up
Bye bye for now

Disclaimer - all scenarios in this blog are hypothetical unless stated otherwise, any resemblance they may bear to real life situations are purely coincidence - have I covered myself yet :-)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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