In a really strange sort of way, I've found a kind of twisted respect for people with eating disorders....let me finish.....being sick is gruesome, there are no redeeming features, none, and yet these people do it intentionally. Of course the motives are not healthy, but still
Today has been spent in bed, well between bed, bath and toilet (that sounds like a reasonable name for a home furnishings shop) as I'm a little bit poorly...still enough of that shit
I have had an insight into the life of unemployed people today, nothing to get out of bed for, eating rich tea biscuits and watching crap tv...actually a lot like being at work for some people ;-) Still the upside of today is I know exactly which PPI claims company offers the best deal (not that I've ever had any PPI) and I know which animals are most endangered....did you know there are less than 3200 tigers left in the world, and that's not GR-R-REAT!! (I actually looked up the correct spelling of great)
I was sent a link to a video tonight by the bride of the wedding I'm Best Man at in two weeks, the video was entitled 'how not to deliver a best man's speech'. Now I've watched it, and it was awful, I can't imagine a more inappropriate speech, though that doesn't mean I can't write one ;-)
Anyway, last nights blog had no pictures and i just know most people just scroll past the text for the pictures anyway, but it's a real shame because I had loads of snow related ones. So tonight as a special bonus i shall include the snow ones as well
So here is Batman saying what we were all thinking reading fb yesterday, a picture that shows you're never too young to be a geek, and one that shows the harsh realities of life for the snow people

And for today, everyday objects from a child's perspective, an unfortunate reason to attend the hospital and finally proof that if you learn form failure you can go on to be an even greater success

Bye bye for now
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