It was the lyrical genius R Kelly, or as northerners call him 'our Kelly' that wrote the above lines....though without the motorway barriers. To be fair though, R Kelly also thought he could have with sex under age girls and no one would think it inappropriate, but that a whole other court case
I like to imagine that it was R Kelly's Greatest Hits :-/ that was playing on the 8 track of the car we were sent to tonight, it had managed to launch itself off a bank, across two lanes of slip road and land backwards on the other side of the motorway barrier. The driver, lets call her Cornwall (because her name was Devon) had obviously have a lapse in concentration
Fortunately for Corny, she only suffered minor injuries and was just taken to hospital as a precaution, considering it was only the, now flattened, lamppost that saved her from going backwards into the sea, she was very lucky indeed
What followed was the complete farce that is the motorway maintenance team, taking a grand total of around 90 minutes just to replace our cones and lights (sometimes it is about cones and signs) with some bigger boy ones, so that they could start work on repairing the barrier.....even the car only took 5 minutes to be recovered. Still sometimes it's nice to not be the only one in a hi viz jacket stood around seemingly doing nothing....freezing my toes off
Yesterday was my first training session in my new home gym (the second was today) and today was a stark reminder of the fact that I've done no training for some time, it's amazing the things you take for granted, like being able to straighten your arms, lift them above shoulder height, and even wipe your own bottom ;-). All of these things have proven very difficult today. It's a strange feeling though because even though I'm struggling to open and close my own car door this evening, I take great satisfaction in knowing that I've once again taken the first step to getting a bit fitter.....maybe I'll even suggest a Traffic Officer Calendar for next year ;-)
As I sit having my dinner looking over Portsmouth, struggling to lift my wooden fork, putting the finishing touches to my Best Man speech for tomorrow, ill leave you with some pictures
A couple of cryptic film titles, a touching message ruined by grammar and a High Five because your all great (I know it's you're)
Bye bye for now

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