Friday 28 June 2013

Negativity makes you negatively negative

They say negativity breeds negativity....and how right they are

It's Friday night and I'm at work, so a little bored I thought I'd check out the book of face, that'll cheer me up I reason 

Did it fudge

It's just full of whinging, and I appreciate the irony of whinging about people whinging but honestly. 

I would say I've definitely become a more negative person over the last 6 or 7 years, primarily down to being surrounded by negative people a lot off the time. That combined with a lot of 'downtime' makes for a very negative Benji

So, what do I think should be done about this. 

I think you should all find me a new job no, I'm joking of course. But just imagine if everyone made the effort to be more positive, to concentrate on the good rather than the bad, how much happier the world would be

So I'll start. Tomorrow i shall be attending and helping out at a charity event at The Hub in Bishopstoke - A Day for Dylan - organised by a good friend and friends in honour of Dylan Hockley tragically killed at Sandy Hook Elementary last year, and raising money for Hampshire Autistic Society

Please all come along, if you can (I appreciate my readers in Brazil may find it challenging) and share in some positivity 

Find something to smile about every day


I'll leave you with something that will raise you not like that....raise a smile

Bye bye for now

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