Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Excuse me.....put some clothes on

Today in my travels I have made two observations. The first, I shall call 'excuse me'

'Excuse me'....two simple words, so why and when did we start substituting those words with 'sorry' or just plain ignorance

There was a time when if you wanted to pass someone, say on the escalator in with cups and ignorant would say 'excuse me old bean, would you mind terribly moving aside for a tickety boo whilst myself and my dear lady pass by'....but oh no, not now. Now we huff and puff, and when that goes unnoticed we push past instead, because those extra 10 seconds make all the difference once you've joined the queue at the till, AND the lift, AND the car park exit

The alternative to the push past, is the 'push into and say sorry'. The 'I can't be bothered to be polite in advance, so I'll just push you out the way and make it all ok by saying sorry afterwards'. In a lot of ways these people are worse than the first group because their sorry is about as genuine as a 1990's Kappa track suit from Eastleigh market

My next observation is a strange one, well strange to me. I think subconsciously my thought process changes when I'm looking after Amelia as opposed to on my own or at work. Several times today I found myself, when observing young ladies walking along the road (that sounds properly dodgy) thinking and in fact saying 'they'll catch their death dressed like that' and 'they need to put some proper warm clothes on'. Now I know for a fact that my thought process would be very different when on my own. Basically the presence of my daughter makes me a far more respectable person, I must just switch in to protective 'dad' mode

Today was another day of two blogs and obviously I don't have an endless supply of pictures, it's not like I can just steal them from the Internet, so I've saved them for now.

I'll leave you with a sensible name for jet skis, Ryanair's honest website, how to draw a panda, and a motivational message for the day

Bye bye for now

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