Obviously with me being close personal friends with Phillip Schofield, I am one of only 11,397 people he follows on twitter, I figured twitter was a good place to start. I doubt that any major celebrities will retweet the link, but that doesn't matter, it's already gained me more followers and several retweets from people who's tweet I enjoy reading and I figure these are the people that will appreciate it and people that follow them will appreciate what I appreciate appreciating....I think
I have maintained from the start that I write the blog for my own benefit, but that's not true, really I want to be famous, maybe even more famous than Andrew Davidson....come on you know Andrew Davidson....9th place finisher on Big Brother Series 1, that's fame right there, I can only dream of that sort of celebrity status
In all seriousness, I just write down what I'm thinking about, and if that's interesting to anyone other than me, then happy days!
I must admit to feeling a little more pressure today though since I'd had over 100 hits by 7am, having not posted anything new today, but rest assured I will do my utmost to put no more effort in to today's blog than I did into yesterday's, and tomorrow I may even put in a little less effort
So on to business, today started at 5:30, after only 5.5 hours sleep I was woken by Amelia coughing and coughing. She barely seems to cough during the day, it just kicks in at night. We've tried cough medicine, calpol, lifting up the end of her bed (with books, not literally standing there lifting it up, though that does remind me of a funny story*) nothing seems to make a difference. The only positive is that despite being more tired during the day, it doesn't seem to bother her too much
*when I did my motorcycle licence training back in 2005, you had to compete a 'turn in the road'. It's very similar to a 3 point turn in a car, but it must be done whilst riding and on foot. My training partner for the week was a guy called Harley, I cannot comment on whether his dad was called David, but seriously his name was Harley. We had gotten to the stage of training where we had to perform the walking turn in the road. After a quick briefing we were instructed to walk to our bikes, pick them up and perform the turn. Harley may well have ended that day with a hernia since he attempted to actually lift the bike off of the ground and carry it around.....these bikes will have weighed somewhere near 200kg and at around 9 stone I don't think he'd have managed it, however it amused me then and it still amuses me now 8 years on
This morning I had the joy of waiting in for Virgin Media to come, sometime between 8 and 12 said the booking. That's fine, but with Amelia at nursery on a Tuesday and me on late shift today, I tend to like blasting out some loud music, and hitting the home gym, generally followed by falling asleep in the bath. I suppose I could have got the butler to answer the door......I'm only kidding of course.....it's his day off
I wouldn't mind, but they were coming round because our phone keeps ringing at 3am for no reason, it'll only do a single ring....every 30 minutes, but that's enough to make you think you're imagining it. By the morning you're so tired you're not even sure if it did ring....if you woke up....or some days, whether you imagined the existence of telecommunication completely
Now there are no prizes in this quiz, it's just for fun, but with an 8-12 appointment slot, what time do we think he turned up.....8....minutes to twelve. He assures me he has fixed the problem, and tells me it was due to some unruly copper, we do live near the police station and I can only assume he means our phone lines have been tapped....for the benefit of the tape, I didn't steal those, I didn't hide that there, where's your warrant? and 'no comment'
One final rant for today, motorways. I spend a lot of time on the motorway for work, but it didn't take me long to realise that there are 3 lanes, I believe I learnt his as a child, so why do people think you can only drive in the middle one. Join the motorway, into lane 2, move for nothing. Slow down if there's a car in front and speed up if there isn't, but under no circumstances can you change lanes. IDIOTS!! I even knew one person that believed lane 1 was only for joining and leaving the motorway, because obviously we'd build thousands of miles of road just to use as extra slip road. If, as people argue 'people don't feel comfortable changing lanes' 'they feel safer in lane 2'......then they shouldn't be driving!!
If I can only leave you with one piece of advice today, it would be, 'when wearing crocs, do not attempt to 'flick' a child's garden spade, full of water, with your foot....you will end up with soaking wet toes'
Some pictures to finish, lazy robots, a helpful elephant, a disgruntled dairy employee and a positive thought for the day
Bye bye for now

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