Thursday, 21 February 2013

This is a Party Political Broadcast

Harassment - a feeling of intense annoyance caused by being tormented

I'm am well aware that I am possibly overdramatising the following situation, but it's gone a little beyond a joke now

At this point in time, I am undecided as to who I will be voting for in the upcoming Eastleigh by-election, I have however decided who I won't be voting for

Lets start with the Liberal Democrats. They delivered a leaflet, outlining their proposals etc, I set it to one side with the full intention of reading it. When the second one arrived, it was added to the pile. Unfortunately when the 3rd, 4th, 5th......arrived, that pile found its way to the bin.

Of course it's not enough to send you a leaflet EVERY SINGLE BLOODY DAY, of course they've got to knock your door every other day as well. It would be funny, if it wasn't so pathetic that they've even phoned me whilst writing this blog....I reiterated my thoughts to them as well. The excuse of 'well it's going to be really close between us and the conservatives' doesn't wash with me, and she was a little dismayed to hear that they would be getting one less vote due to their behaviour

And now, the conservatives. 2 leaflets already today!! (Oh and a wave from the obnoxious man delivering them) But we obviously don't warrant having our door knocked. I don't believe they actually give a toss what we think, they just believe that if they post enough rubbish through our door that we will think they are the best...based purely on volume of literature.......well Mrs Hutchings, you couldn't even win on that front

Voices of the people my arse, I've heard the voice of the people and it's saying 'stop forcing your propaganda bullshit through my door'

I think the only decision I have left to make, is do I vote for the 'Beer, Baccy & Crumpet Party' or the 'Elvis Loves Pets Party'


Anonymous said...

Have you considered voting UKIP?

Diane James is a very strong local candidate who stands a very real chance of dislodging the coalition parties' cosy little arrangement of deceit and waffle on the public purse.

Electing UKIP's first MP here in Eastleigh would send the strongest possible message.

Sir Adam of Cummins said...

To the above commenter, noone in their right mind would vote for bloody UKIP. If I wanted to vote for a joke party, I'd vote Monster Raving Loony.