I would wager that to most people a job is a means to an end, you have to work, but you're possibly not 'living the dream' career wise. That's not to say you hate your job, or even that you don't like your job but just that it perhaps wasn't where you envisioned yourself heading
I definitely fall into the first category, I don't hate my job, I actually quite like it a lot of the time, it actually gives me a very good 'work/life balance' and probably stops my family from getting bored of me, but given the opportunity to do something else with my time, I think I would.
Unfortunately the circus don't hire very often, and even when they do, my Wall of Death experience is lacking slightly so I may not be their best applicant. Yeah I could always go back to my old love of trapeze but i just don't think it would be the same anymore
When I've been back in training for a few months, and get myself a new Lycra suit, then ill probably go back to fighting crime and taking out bad guys, but the problem with that is 'crime never pays' so I don't think it'll cover the mortgage
I'd be quite interested to know what other people's perspective on it is, along with what they do and what they'd like to be doing?
If anyone wants me, I'll be in the Bat Cave.....
Since photos once again are in demand, seemingly my journalistic genius is not enough, ill leave you with a school project (their canons, obviously), a warm restaurant greeting and a thought for the day
Bye bye for now

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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