Mike Thorntons skivvies - officially happy to empty get their hands dirty
He knocked the door 'I'm calling on behalf of Mike Thornton, here have a leaflet, will you be voting tomorrow? Yes, 'will it be for Lib Dems?' No, 'Can I ask who you'll be voting for?' No.
After his conversation with Jac I went out to throw his leaflet in my 'clearly labelled' bin, to be greeted by 'can I take that'....it was in the bin by this point, followed by 'can I go in your bin to get it back?'
Ironic really as I've welcomed any opportunity to throw them and their leaflets in my bin, just a shame I couldn't get the lid shut
Today has been a tyring day, no jobs to speak of at work but 200+ miles of wild goose chases looking for them
My car was in for service yesterday and it was pointed out that I need a new rear tyre. So I went on the website of a company I've used before and got a price of £109, I then phoned another company that guarantee to price match.....their best price, £130.....perhaps some education needed as to what 'price match' means
So I finished work, collected Amelia and headed to the cheaper garage to be told I'd have a 90-120 minute wait to have a tyre fitted...this would be fine in a town centre, but they're nowhere near a town centre. I recalled another local garage that guarantee to price match, so drove over to them. Their best price.....£150 :-/
So I've ended the day still needing a tyre, which I'll have to just sit and wait for at the first garage, probably next week now and a politicians errand boy with his feet poking skyward out of my bin.....every cloud...
I appreciate this isn't the most interesting read but since my readership numbers have dropped by more than 50% recently, I may soon be the only one reading them anyway, haha
Finally I'll add some pictures, a bedtime warning, a badly written headline, and a quote for the day
Bye bye for now
Edit - as I finished writing I had a phone call from the Lib Dems, first trying to compliment me by telling me by name was cool, because my middle initials are DJ, and then wanting to know who i was voting for and was it UKIP.....of course their only real competition are the conservatives.....so you can guess where I told her my vote was going
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