Wednesday, 20 February 2013

STOP! Pope Clown Beard

Today marks a momentous occasion, a end of a transitional period, for today I realised I have fully become a grumpy old man

I think when the day comes that you are quoting the Highway Code to someone, you know you're only a few short steps away from mobility scooters and incontinence pants

I regularly walk from my house to the town centre, it's around a 5 minute walk. There is a zebra crossing from one side of the road, across into the shopping centre, but I often choose to cross earlier, getting the sense of achievement that can only be gained by crossing laterally and longitudinally at the same time, this missing out one frivolous road crossing

Now all this is fine, but the early crossing necessitates a need to then cross the exit ramp from the multi storey car park, a ramp that is cleat marked with a STOP line. Now if I learnt nothing else from my driving course in October, I learnt that......errm....where was I. Sorry, i Iearnt that the Highway Code dictates the need to stop at this line.

And this is where I realise how sad I've become as for the past few months I've been desperately waiting to be crossing this ramp at the moment someone is driving down....and doesn't stop

Well ladies and gentlemen, today was that day. I even had Amelia on my shoulders for full effect. I approached be crossing, with caution obviously, and on spotting two cars still only halfway down the ramp, I proceeded to cross. They both braked sharply, one even skidding slightly, before proceeding to open the car window and shout abuse at me

I'd like to add at this point that I didn't and never would put my daughter at risk, with a decent run up I could probably jump this crossing....I wasn't 1998 regional long jump champion for nothing *

I did however take great delight in informing this 'lady' of the error of her ways. I also asked how she would appreciate someone driving like that around her children. I don't know if she was illiterate or ignorant, I'm thinking the latter but hopefully it may at least give her a reminder next time she approaches a stop line

Before anyone mentions that I'm being a moany old git, please re read the start of the blog, it's the whole point

Other than that it was a pretty boring day, could it be more boring?, I went to work, did a few jobs there, had Amelia this afternoon and managed to complete my computer based actions from last night

I've just had some dinner and in an hour or so I'm off the pub, I know!, to catch up with an old friend whom I've not seen for well over a year now.....though I think we did once go around 6 years without speaking so a year isn't so long

3 pictures for today, a job advert, a newspaper article related to the mother of 11 that's having a 6 bedroom house built for her 'on us', and an article that showcases something I am unable to grow.......maybe once I hit puberty eh

Bye bye for now

*it was actually 1995

**as if......I was always a high jumper

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