Oh, tell a lie, it's not just days of the week, but also weather. 'It's raining' 'its cold' 'what's that strange orange thing in the sky'
It has been said that I use Facebook too much, I'm obsessed with it etc etc, but to be honest it just gives me something to do when I'm at work and bored, but also I still think it's a brilliant invention. In fact technology as a whole over the last 6 or 7 years has amazed me and continues to amaze me....remember when the best mobile phone game we could hope for was 'Snake'...and when when an exciting development was a colour screen on a game boy
I feel as sorry for the youth of today as I do envious. A few weeks ago when it snowed, a few mates and I went out for a snowball fight, that's what you do when it snows. But my mate's 14 year old daughter chose instead to stay indoors on her iPhone or iPad.
I envy the developments that they've benefited from, I believe that it will see them become more intelligent, better educated and they will get so much more out of learning, but does it upset me that I grew up without it all. Not at all.
When I was growing up, you finished school, you threw on your shell suit and trainers and you went and 'called for' your mates, you didn't text, BBM or iMessage them. You walked/rode to their house and you knocked the door. Then you played football or rode bikes until it got dark or until tea time. Now, kids finish school and go home to log on to Facebook or Instagram or some such thing, they can't do things without an 'event' being organised, they probably don't even go out in the rain (obviously I'm surmising this because I'm not even remotely 'down with the kids')
I will do my utmost to avoid giving these things to my daughter, not to her detriment, but to attempt to develop her as a rounded individual, to play in the woods, to ride bikes, skip rope, socialise, see the outside world. I will also strive to give her the best education I can.....but you don't need an iPad/iMac/iPod/iPhone for any of that
Today was daddy day care day, so it started with a bath for both of us, separately today 'I want a bath on my own' is what I was told. Then a trip to Tesco for a few essentials, where I was most pissed off by the builders that decided 'Parent & Child Parking' actually meant 'I'm too incompetent to park my van in a normal space parking'
Later on this morning we visited the dentist, a new dentist for both of us, but in our road so that's no bad thing. I believe his name was Sinatra, which is a wicked name, though from now on I'll probably just call him Frank. The bad news of my visit was that I need 3!! fillings, the good news is he will do them all for one cost, unlike my last dentist that managed to string work out to get as much money as possible. Oh and the other good news, Amelia got a sticker for having 'Aquafresh white teeth'
This afternoon I received some possibly very exciting news, I can't comment further at the moment, and it's not exciting for anyone else, but it's given me something to potentially look forward to
By the time you've all read this, my blog will top 3000 views in 2 days short of a month. I don't know who's reading it, I wish I did, but either way, it at least gives me a sense of self importance ;-)
So I shall end today with pictures, I understand people like these. My dentists wall decoration, hey sexy latte and a warning that jazz hands will not be tolerated on the underground
Bye bye for now

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