So there I was, in the home gym, warming up, stretches etc, when I glance out of the window. What I saw, can only be described as a naked man. In a house behind ours, I would guess having just got out of the shower....this is not how I like to start my workouts, he could of closed his curtains, switched off the light or, and here's a silly idea, not stood in his window....naked. As it turns out he was just as shocked as I was....but then I guess I could have closed my curtains, switched off the light.....
(Please note, when it's pitch black outside and there is only one light on in the street, it's difficult to not be attracted to it...and I mean the light, not the naked man)
I like living in a town centre, we did try and move last year with no success, but generally it's a pretty good place to be. We've got shops, restaurants and leisure facilities on our doorstep, parks, train station (though its not worth the effort) and even an airport, not that they fly anywhere I want to go. But one downside is a group of people I call 'nosey pricks', these are the people that can't walk past our house without staring through our window. At this point I'm sure some people would ask why we don't buy net curtains, this is primarily down to us not being 70 years old, we could get blinds, and we may do, but why should we have to?
Being stared at through glass is something I get quite used to at work, in fact getting stared at anywhere at work is quite a regular can be quite off putting when you're stood at a urinal. However, I choose to take the staring as a compliment, and the urinal staring I just credit to my universal appeal ;-) But work is different, I wear a bright yellow and orange jacket and drive a bright yellow and black car...I don't do either of these things at home
As I say, I like our house, but if a man can't even walk around the house naked without being stared at by passers by, then something is very wrong with the world
And on that note, it's time for the gym....curtains closed....lights off
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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