Awoken around 7:30, and a relaxed start, playing dens with Amelia under the covers with a torch, then bath and dressed
Amelia and I did some sticking and cutting, she's better at it than me, but has arguably had more recent practice than I I think they're training her at nursery
We then walked to Eastleigh, well I say 'we' walked, on the way there at least I did the walking and Amelia did the 'being carried on my shoulders'. Trip to the bank to withdraw my gambling money for Friday night poker.....£20 in pound coins, it's a high rollers only matchsticks here
Back home for some art attack, mister maker etc whilst I tidied the kitchen and spoke on the phone to the TV company people organising their visit
Jac had a half day today, so it was operation tidy up when she got home, not that the house was particularly untidy, but there is a certain image you'd want to portray on film and a sofa with stains from apricot jelly wasn't it
I imagine it may have looked quite intriguing to passers by, seeing a camera crew etc in our living room as we were interviewed on tape. Although, being Eastleigh, people would have probably assumed it was a police interview or something for Crimewatch
I don't want to say too much about what it was for, nothing may even come of it, but it was definitely an experience and you can learn a lot in 2 hours it talking....even managed to squeeze a little workout into the video, though being interviewed whilst doing dips is not something I'd will increase your number of reps though
I was told by a friend recently that people will stop reading my blog if I don't start doing things which are more interesting, so today I've taken the first step towards being more interesting....not that I'm too worried, people read all sorts of boring shit online so I reckon I'm safe for a little while at least
I've not had the opportunity to source any particularly funny photos for today, so I'm gonna scrape the barrel and see what comes out.
A new pay and display parking system, a bird that's looking to do some 'bird' and a guide to stroking pets

Bye bye for now
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