Monday, 25 February 2013

Where you wheelie bin?

Well today was the first full day with my wheelie bin out the front. And it was a less than successful day, coming home to 9 political leaflets.

However.....they were for all the minor parties and with my post, so I think this may have been a delivery by Royal Mail so I'll delay judgement of my new bin technique until tomorrow

I had my hair cut on Saturday, now on recent visits I have asked for the my hair on top to be be length of the 'width of the hairdressers fingers', and this was the perfect length...didn't get in my eyes at all...who am I kidding, got more chance of my leg hair getting in my eyes than the hair on my head

The problem, I realised on this visit, is that the girl cutting my hair had significantly fatter fingers, and this has resulted in my hair being entirely the wrong length. Is is possible that they have employed a fatter fingered girl so that I am forced to return more regularly for haircuts....I think so

Yesterday was the first day ever that I've had Amelia overnight on my own (today will be the second). Don't get my wrong, I like to think of myself as a pretty active dad, my shift work means I spend a lot of days with Amelia, but an overnighter was a new one for me

Amelia went to her at half 6 last night, slept until 6:40 this morning with only one wake up to pop to bathroom. We chilled out and I even managed to sneak in a 90 minute bath, though Amelia was in the bath for some of that, before moving on to singing and playing the keyboard for me

We went out this morning with my parents, or Grandma and Grandpa as they are more commonly known, bit of shopping in Lyndhurst, where Amelia got what can only be described as a unicorn on a stick, basically a unicorn head with pole so you can pretend to ride it....we've all had one of these, though they are usually a horse....all the horse ones were sold to Tesco apparently

Out for lunch at a place Amelia calls 'The Moon' which is actually The Gateway, if you've seen the sign (it's a Premier Inn) then you'll understand

This afternoon was spent at Fleming Park soft play, and for this you have to have a wrist band. For a £1 deposit, you get 30 minutes to play. After 2 hours we were made to feel like criminals for our children still being in there, despite there being no other children waiting. We were asked to remove our children from the play area.

We ordered some dinner and by the time that had come, 15 minutes, the play area was completely empty....obviously desperate for our bands back then.

This evening will be starting with a Choc's been a long time since I've had one, and they certainly weren't 73p the last I'm expecting a lot more Choc and at least twice as much Dip

Pictures today, first a 'fitness related' one, a health and safety notice and one that shows I am amazingly economical

Bye bye for now

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